Thursday, January 3, 2008

Let's get WEIRD!

I know it's been awhile since I have posted, but had to pass along some WEIRD news that my friend, HLC, told me about tonight.

Barnes and Noble is having a great sale and right now you can buy any book in the Weird Series for just $9.97. Original Price is $19.97. There are 22 books in the series and I highly recommend them all. I have at least 6 and plan on getting the rest. They are interesting and fun. They make great gifts.

Check them out. If you are clever and find some coupon codes, enter a B&N membership number, you can save even more money. Orders over $25.00 are shipped for free! Orders over $75.00 include a free gift if you put the gift in your cart. (Right now it's the Sports Backpack)

So, try the Weird won't be sorry! If you don't see your state or are in doubt of which one to get, try Weird U.S. for starters.

Let's get WEIRD, people!


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