Thursday, May 10, 2007

Good News and Bad News

Which one do you want first?


Good News........Next month I will be closing on a house!!! I will finally be a home owner and I am really excited. So, now I can mark that off my things to do list! I will be moving to Weleetka. Yee Haw! Never heard of it? That's okay. You aren't alone. It's a teeny tiny town. At heart, I am a country girl. I like living in a town that rolls up the street at 8PM. So this will be great for me.

I will be more centrally located for my job and that will be a blessing. This whole house things is a blessing all the way around. I cannot be more thankful! I will post pics when I get some that I like. More than likely I will do the before and after.

I am in the process of picking out paint, hardwood, carpet, tile and it's exciting and fun. So, lots of changes coming real soon.

Bad News..........MRI showed that I have a herniated disc at L4-5 and that I have some degenerative disc disease. I am going to take a very conservative approach and not go the surgery route unless I just have to. In the meantime, I will be careful. Those of you who know me are saying, "Yeah, right." Really, I will be good. Safety first! :)

I have decided to hire a moving company to move me completely. Might cost a mint, but it is worth the peace of mind and saving my back and the time and effort of family and friends.

I have been a little lazy lately with the blogging. Just have been so busy. I will be posting some new things by the weekend. So, check back.

Until then, take care and first! :)



stargurrl13 said...

I wish I could have come to Weleetka today. I will get there SOON!

Anonymous said...

Sounds fishy to me. So called "back problems" crop up at moving time.... :-)

Staunch Woman said...

Sure does sound fishy! Would sound fishier (is that a word?) if I wasn't paying for the movers! Where's my sugar daddy when I need him?! :)