Monday, April 30, 2007
Well, ExcuuUUUUuuuuse me!
I have been set straight......
"You can freeze them." (Or not)
"They are so sweet you will want to eat them like an apple" (uh, no...)
"Once you learn how good they are, you will put them in everything you cook" (I'm on strike, remember?)
"It's the Shriners and they are wonderful" (Yes, BUT they wear funny hats with tassles and sell onions)
"You can buy a bag and split it" (I like my friends)
On and on and on. I was even offered a zip lock bag full of them.
I get it. I asked and you answered. I understand - might not be running out to buy a bag but I get it. Vidalia onions have a place in this world.
Okay, now that I have been corrected, just simmer down.....relax - eat an onion.
One question though.....Just curious as to how many boxes of Girl Scout cookies you bought this year? Bet it was more than bags of onions! Of course, you probably loaded up on thin mints just waiting for the spring! Ever thought about getting some help?
By the way, you would think my blog was about politics, global warming or putting an end to world hunger. Heaven help me if I start talking about that!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Funny Hats vs. The Troops
I had a few things to post, but will tomorrow.
One question...Why do people buy a whole big bag of Vidalia Onions? I mean what do you do with a whole big bag? I just don't get it. There were people selling them all over the place on my trip to SE Oklahoma today. Never in my life would I need a gigantic bag of onions.
Someone enlighten me, please. I assume you can't freeze onions, can you? Heaven help you if you fry them all and eat them.
Here is the real amazing thing.....some organizations wait all year to sell onions and that money helps fund their group for certain projects the rest of the year. Can't remember what organization, but I'm sure they have a funny hat with a tassle.
Anyway, doesn't that seem a bit risky? Counting on onion sales to make your money and keep your organizations a float? I can just hear the meeting now...."I would like to make a motion that we buy new furniture for the meeting hall.".......discussion ensues about where they will get the money.......
"We should sell onions in the spring"
"What a brilliant idea - all in favor?"
I bet there aren't any women in that group wearing funny hats.
Now, let's compare the onion sellers in funny hats to another group - the troops.
The GIRLscouts to be exact.....they sell COOKIES to fund their entire year of activities. Imagine that?! Who doesn't want a box of cookies? (Who wants a bag of onions?)
Hmmmmm.....let's think about this. You've got a Ford on your left, tailgate down, guy in funny hat in lawn chair, ONIONS in the back of the truck. Then on you're right, you've got the troops holding up colorful signs covered in glitter that say "COOKIES for sale". Left or right?
If you say left and buy the bag of onions, just do me and everyone else a favor.....Go right and buy a box of Thin Mints. You are going to need them.
Going to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep to dream of cookies.
Georgie had this to say...
Here is the eyewitness account of George Hagopian: I believe the dude!
2 by 2...
If you are interested in Noah's Ark and the search for the ark, you should really read the book, The Explorers of Ararat. I found that book to be quite informative and most interesting!
What captured my imagination are the stories of Ed Davis and his experience in WWII and George Hagopian. George's story captivated me most and still does. I still pull out that book and read his story. I don't have a good link to read his eyewitness account....maybe one day soon I will post it - it's worth the read!!!
I don't believe that Noah's Ark was discovered in 2006 as it was claimed and I shared a few emails with Rex Gessler of on the subject as he did not feel those claims were true as well. You can read articles as to why the discovery in 2006 was probably not the ark on Mr. Gessler's website. (See: Check This Out - link section)
I think we will know without any doubt when the ark is found. I don't feel it will just be a hunk of petrified wood within a glacier or mountain side. I think we will know just by looking. I don't think the ark will be intact or perfectly preserved, but I believe it will be more than a hunk of wood. Funny fact, the Bible says that Noah's Ark was made of "Gopher wood" - guess what? we don't know what that is! :)
This subject captures me....always has, even when I was a little girl. I remember being about 13 or so and my mom telling me about people who thought they had found the ark....I was hungry to find a book about it - I finally did, just 20+ years later.
Without sounding like a conspiracy theorist....I sincerely believe that our government has photographic evidence (at least that - maybe more) of the ark's existence in the mountains of Ararat. I think it's either "Top Secret" or more likely, something that has been forgotten or can't be located.
Read the'll see accounts of those who asked the government about evidence. In addition, you will also read about other entities that may have "something" related to the ark, such as, the Smithsonian Institute.
I know, now I sound all cracked up. Deal with it!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
On a positive note...
Well, Mr. Knopf was an amazing will soon learn that with future blogs. I will briefly tell you a little bit about him. He was a WWII veteran, taught History at Ohio State University and Kent State University. He served on the Anthony Wayne Parkway Board as staff historian and I believe in some capacity he worked with the Ohio Historical Society. He edited and authored many books from children's books to Historical text books.
I acquired a small unpublished manuscript of Mr. Knopf's on ebay (where else?!). What I received was more than his unpublished manuscript.....I received written works about his thoughts and feelings on the war, society, religion, etc. I was so taken with his work, which I found to be timeless, applicable to our current war, society, etc, that I set out to find and purchase everything I could from his estate. I was very successful in my pursuits and am proud to say I own a considerable amount of his war letters, written works, published and unpublished manuscripts, etc...
Reading his thoughts were of great comfort to me as I acquired them several months after 9/11 and right as we went into war. However, they continue to be a comfort and inspiration to me on so many levels.
I wish I could have met Mr. Knopf and I would love to hear from anyone who knew him.
Here is something he wrote in 1944, while serving in Europe during WWII. It's probably my most favorite "article".
Final thoughts on the Kent State Shootings
What matters is that this May 4th, 37 years ago, 4 students lost their lives for being at the wrong place at the wrong time and/or for standing up for their convictions....something we are free to do as citizens of this great country.
In addition, numerous students were injuried and those students as well as countless others will bear the physical and emotional scars caused that day for the rest of their lives.
This is part of our history that should never be forgotten and taught to our future generations.
I will never understand why or how shooting unarmed students ever seemed like a solution to a problem.
Could this happen again?
Hopefully, we have learned.
I hope you all found the posts regarding the Kent State Shootings intriguing and something that stimulated thought.
Kent State Shootings, Part 6
Kent State Shootings, Part 5
Kent State Shootings, Part 4
Kent State Shootings, Part 3
Kent State Shootings, Part 2
Kent State Shootings, Part 1
I will be posting material not original to Knopf but rather sent to him by his student that he corresponded with. After great thought, I have decided to post this as well in an effort to give you as complete a picture as possible. Leaving out certain things will only result in confusion.
**Permission to use the material posted in this blog and the following blogs must be received by me, in writing, before it is used in any capacity in any medium.**
It is not my intention to be irresponsible with this material and therefore some names will the abbreviated into initials only. Nor, is it my intention to violate any one person's privacy. However, I found this information so intriguing and riveting that I couldn't resist posting it. I hope you find it just as interesting. I know it is a lot of information to read and take in. In my opinion, it's worth it.
If you know nothing about the Kent State Shootings of 1970, then please familiarize yourself with the events before reading....might make reading the following posts more understandable and interesting.
So, in the spirit of Amendment #1, here goes.....
This letter was written by Professor Richard C. Knopf to Joseph Kelner, author of: The Kent State Coverup on January 4, 1984.
The Cook....on strike!
I had so much fun there. It was nice to create recipes and have someone clean up after me. I love knowing that I have good, prepared meals at home - all I have to do is cook them. It will save me time and money and be so much more healthy than eating fast food or nothing at all.
I was able to make 4 entrees for under $60.00 - can't do that at the grocery store! 1 entree has about 6 servings - I split each entree into 2, 3 serving containers since I am single.
I tried Barbecue Meatloaf with mashed potatoes last night and it was wonderful. All I had to do was put it in the oven and throw away the pan......good times in the kitchen!
So, I encourage you to try Super's fun and will save you money and time.
Pablo rocks!
Thanks to Steve for passing along this great poem by OUR favorite poet, Pablo Neruda.
I read this last night and fell in love with it...hope you like it!
I took some real deep breaths during my tour, which was several hours long. I left feeling quite invigorated. It's a magical place. A place I hope to visit again - I would love to stay overnight there. Can you imagine working there everyday? (I'm jealous)
Okay, just so you know....humans aren't the only creatures that mine for salt. Check out the salt mining elephants of Kenya. I saw this special a few years ago and was fascinated. I'll let you read for yourself, but I will say that the thing that intrigued me most was that generations of elephants have been mining - same time of day, same is information that has been passed on from generation to generation. How did they do that? Only God knows. Amazing.
She's home!!!
Bentley is home! I am so thankful and I believe that she is too.
Thanks to the kindness of strangers, she was safe the entire time she was gone. A man in my neighborhool found her in his yard and took her to a local vet. He then posted signs up and down a main street regarding a dog that has been found....... So nice of him and the vet that kept her until I came for her.
During this process, I have heard "She is just a dog...." - I know that and I would have been a person saying that in the past, but she is more than a dog to me. She is my loyal companion, she makes me laugh, she is there when I cry and I feel her love for me. Dogs are amazing and wonderful.
In the search for Bentley I had to go to the pound. Oh, sad to see so many beautful, sweet dogs there. Don't get a dog if you aren't going to care for it. They feel pain, loneliness, etc....I hated seeing them in cages. Open your hearts to a pet....go to the pound and get a dog. They will love you for your kindness and your life will never be the same.
What a journey in 24 hours. I appreciate all the concern from my family and help from my sister. I am thankful to all who prayed and especially to the friend who cared enough to pray with me at 5 in the morning.
I am blessed.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Incredible Journey???
I came home tonight to no dog in the backyard. A moment I will not soon forget. I searched for her for hours....mascara down my pride out the window - with the panic a mom would have for her two legged child if he or she was missing, but my four legged girl is still MIA.
MIA without a collar (Found that in the backyard in two pieces) and in the cold. I hope and pray that she comes home. My fear is that someone has her and with no identification, it would be near impossible to get her back.
I am going to trust that she is having a great time and will be home soon. The door is open, the light is on. The prayers are going out......
Cut that Incredible Journey short and get your tail home!
Going to be tough not waking up to her in the morning.
Fragile yet Fearless...
Violet was a lady in every sense of the word. She was lovely with eyes that twinkled like stars - eyes that took you in and loved the sight of you. She always had a smile on her face. She was so soft and always smelt so good. She seemed she would break if you hugged her too tight. (Believe me, you would have wanted to squeeze her tight.)
Always quick to say, "Thank you, hon" if you did anything for her. When you told Violet something, such as: "We have new fish in the aquarium", her face would light up and her response would always be, "You don't mean it." Loved that!
Looks were decieving when it came to Violet. She appeared fragile, frail - and in many respects she was, but she could hold her own. She had spunk and a fight that amazed and impressed me.
About a year ago, a local animal park owner brought a variety of animals for the residents to see. Snakes, turtles, spiders, an alligator, etc. Most of the residents tried the "look but don't touch" method. Not Miss Violet....she held every animal and loved every minute of it. A smile from ear to ear. Eyes so bright from pure joy of the moment. She held that alligator and let the handler wrap that python around her neck - trust me, she was the only one "in line". Violet had moxy!
I will miss Violet. I always looked forward to seeing her, hugging her, telling her "I love you" and watching the affect that had on her. Getting that smile and being loved by those eyes. I wish I had known Violet while she was in her prime. I have no doubt she was an amazing everything....wife, mother, grandmother. She is the type of woman you want to snap green beans with on the back porch.
I loved her.....I love her. She will never be forgotten by me. Her picture is on my kitchen counter reminding me why I do what I do every day.
Violet often said, "I wish the Lord would just go ahead and take me on home." Well, you might have waited longer than you wanted, but you're home now Violet.
How about we meet at that Pearly Gate when it's my time to come home? Then I know I will be able to squeeze you tight!
Until then, lady.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Stick a fork in me!
I've been told that I am just a little "pasty white". I prefer adjectives like, "Peaches and cream complexion" or something a bit more flattering. Nevertheless, I decided that perhaps I needed to do something about my lack of tan.
Soooo, I thought why not utilize the tanning bed at my gym? Brilliance! What I failed to do was find out the particulars about tanning.
Being the staunch woman that I am.....I went to the gym to "Git 'er done" and that is just what I did.
Stripped down - walked into the booth and pushed start. 10 minutes later, I thought "Well, that wasn't so bad." 4-5 hours later, I thought "I don't think that worked...I don't look a bit different." The next morning....."Owwwwwwwww" I thought "I just might need professional HELP!" OR.....a gun.
There might be a reason why the sun doesn't shine on all parts. I'm thinking 10 minutes was a bad idea. I'm thinking that maybe stripping down was not smart as well.
I'm thinking that I'm an idiot.
Tan, but still an idiot.
Will update you on the tanning process.
Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
I'm just mad about the Maysles!
Well, mom....that would be David and Albert Maysles....the documentary film makers of Grey Gardens and The Beales of Grey Gardens - part of the Criterion Collection. If you haven't seen these documentaries, you must....this week. Tonight works for me - I'll bring the popcorn.
The stars of both documentaries are Edith and "Little Edie" Bouvier Beale and they are stars. I find them to be delightful, free spirits. I love their artistic, uninhibited ways. I wish I had been their neighbor....I wish I had been their friend.
Some may think they are completely crazy....I did at first. The more I watched, the more I admired them. Both, "Staunch Women". Both, beautiful.
Things I love about these documentaries:
- The "revolutionary costume" of the day and the frequent costume changes
- Edith taking pics of the Maysles
- The singing.....oh, the singing. (Tea for two and you for me.........)
- The dancing
- The search for the "Libra man"
- References to "The Marble Faun"
- The "Staunch Woman" moment
- Their outlook on the world
Here is some information to entice you (as if I haven't already done that):
Grey Gardens is the name of a neglected, sprawling estate gone to seed. The crumbling mansion was home to Edith Bouvier Beale, often referred to as "Big Edie," and her daughter, "Little Edie." The East Hampton, Long Island, home became the center of quite a scandal when it was revealed in 1973 that the reclusive aunt and cousin to Jackie O. were living in a state of poverty and filth. That's the background to this 1976 film portrait by cinéma vérité pioneers Albert and David Maysles, but it's only incidental to the fascinating story they discover inside the estate walls.
The two Edies have lived in almost complete seclusion since the mid-1950s, ever since Big Edie's husband abandoned her and Little Edie (then a young socialite on the verge of a dancing career, or so she claims) was called home to care for her depressed mother. Twenty years later they continue to live in their memories while camped out in a single bedroom of the 28-room mansion overrun with cats (who use the floor as their litter box). Rehashing mistakes and missed chances with an accusing banter that becomes more stinging and angry as the documentary progresses, they exist in a sad codependency brings new meaning to the term dysfunctional. Disturbing and discomforting, it comes off like a freak show at times, but for all their arguments and recriminations, the Maysles reveal two women abandoned by their families who are left to cling to each other, for better or worse. --Sean Axmaker
Can't say I completely agree with Sean.....I believe both Edith and Edie had a deep, loyal, abiding love for each other.
Watch the Documentaries........tell me what you think.
Well, I'm look for that "Libra Man"
Hi, my name is......and I'm a Lush
First of all, let's talk baths. I think that there is nothing better than a good, long bath with wonderful bath products. A bath that makes you feel special......a moment where time stands still and the stresses of the day wash away.
I never feel guilty about treating myself to a perfect bath. It's a necessity in my world.
Love this line from JoDee Messina's, Downtime: ".....But your memory's taken second to a good book and a nice long bath....." Amen, sister!
Got the bath water running yet?
Back to Lush.....I came across these products a few years ago and now I am hooked. A complete Lush am I!
Here are my favorite products - they are all good, but with these, you can't go wrong:
Sex Bomb, BlackBerry, Ne Worry Pas, Tea & Sympathy, Avobath, Sakura, Youki Hi
Pablo Neruda
Does anyone know what type of wildflower is in the picture above? If so, let me know! I took that picture this month on vacation.....thought the flower was so pretty and unusual.
Will post more later......still trying to figure this blogging thing out!